Krystle Ortega

healing puso program coordinator

What does a typical work week look like for you?

My role consists mainly of programming events for Healing PUSO. These events include but are not limited to the following: community healing circles, creative arts workshops, health clinics, safety and self defense classes, etc. My favorite thing about my role is seeing community members enjoy and return the events that we organize. It’s always nice to hear that community members find our events and programs helpful.

How’d you get to LMR?

Back in high school I was introduced to LMR through their Dance Collective with Kuya Brian and Ate Maria. Although I wasn't in the Dance Collective, I still learned cultural dances through the both of them since I enjoyed dancing and learning about cultural performance. Throughout college I saw that LMR was growing outside of just historical restoration and political justice by venturing out to health related topics. Because of my interest in that realm of work, I was eager to align myself with LMR in this growth. A year after I graduated from UCSB I circled back to find a position within LMR, specifically within the health equity field and with interests in both the DAWN and Healing PUSO programs, ultimately receiving my current role within Healing PUSO.

What do you like to do when you're not at LMR?

Some of my hobbies include exercising, bouldering (rock climbing without the harness), watching anime, playing video games, and reading. I like to prioritize healthy activities so anything fun or adventurous interests me.